My friends and family , If you can just feel my heart beat, and try to understand it,
I realy need your help, please help me with my books project, I want to print as many of my books in bulk to spread towards our hospitals, churches, old age homes, clinics and schools etc.
The printing cost a lot of money,
Not everyone can afford a book , so I decided to get books printed to hand it out for free.
And help those who can not afford a book.
I am asking you to help me with any donation in Rands to get the project done.
I realy need your support.
It does not matter if it is only a rand, it will help.
If you can give more I'll appreciate it .
If you have donate towards the course, please send me your name and address and a Screenshot of your donation payment via whatsapp. 0*********0884
Please make donation to :
Shane's books
Capitec acc:
I thank you for your support.
I will definately come back to you.